Glossary of woods

Name Description Physical and mechanical properties
Rollover the properties for more info.
Abachi (Ayous) Binomial name: Triplochiton scleroxylon

Abachi, Ayous and Samba are all the same species.
See Ayous.

Soft, tends to tear easily in thinner plys. Mainly an outermost ply wood, pairs up well with many woods. It is a lightweight, flexible wood that is excellent for close-to-the-table counterdrive play.
Akossika Called Acosica by Joola.

Binomial names: Scottellia klaineana, Scottellia chevalieri, Scottellia coriacea, Scottellia kamerunensis, Scottellia minfiensis.

Common Names: Ngobisolo in Cameroon, Bilogh-Bi-Nkele in Gabon, Kruku or Koroko in Ghana, Odoko in Nigeria, in Germany, in UK and in Italy, Akossika in Ivory Coast, Korokon in Liberia, Kelembicho in Central African Republic.

African wood mainly from Nigeria and Ivory Coast.
- Specific gravity = 0.66 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 3.4
- Crushing strength = 56 MPa
- Bending strength = 94 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 12750 MPa
Anigre Binomial name: Pouteria spp. (formerly Aningeria genus)

Also known as Anegre, Aniegre, Aningre, Aningeria, Kali, Osan, Landojan, Mukali, Muna, M'boul, N'Kali, Mukangu, Tutu, Kararo, Asanfena.

A light-tan hard wood native to Africa, Yellow Aningre is the ultimate control wood. Providing a soft feel on contact, this wood is favored by many all-round styles of players. It is mid-hard, solid, and non-elastic. Being waterproof, it is mostly used as surface veneer. Grubba Pro blades use yellow aningre wood for the outer and secondary plies.
- Specific gravity = 0.54 to 0.57 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 2.5
- Crushing strength = 48 MPa
- Bending strength = 84 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 13690 MPa
- Janka = 990 lbf (4450 N)
Ash Binomial name: Fraxinus excelsior
Common names: European Ash, Common Ash.

Binomial name: Fraxinus latifolia
Common name: Oregon Ash
Fraxinus excelsior
- Specific gravity = 0.6 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 51 MPa
- Bending strength = 103 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 12000 MPa
- Janka = 1480 lbf (6580 N)

Fraxinus latifolia
- Specific gravity = 0.61 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 42 MPa
- Bending strength = 88 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 9380 MPa
- Janka = 1160 lbf (5160 N)
Awan Awan is very close to Ayous, it is a medium fast wood with good control, mainly used as second/third ply or as central ply.  
Ayous Binomial name: Triplochiton scleroxylon

Abachi, Ayous and Samba are all the same species. Also known as Obeche, Wawa, Arere, Ayus, M'bado, Bado, African Maple, Eguess, Xwetin.
Soft, tends to tear easily in thinner plys. Mainly an outermost ply wood, pairs up well with many woods. It is a lightweight, flexible wood that is excellent for close-to-the-table counterdrive play. Ayous is useful to maintain some lightness in the core of the blade but not be as crazily light as balsa.
- Specific gravity = 0.38 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 1.1
- Crushing strength = 30 MPa
- Bending strength = 52 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 7260 MPa
- Janka = 430 lbf (1915 N)
Balsa Binomial name: Ochroma pyramidale

Also known as Balso, Pau de Balsa, Lanu, Lanilla, Guano, Gatillo, Topa, Algodon, Bois Flot.
An extremely light, soft, porous, springy wood that has a non-linear effect at ball contact; hard, direct contact results in a big springing effect, while light or grazing contact results in a more controlled carom, and the difference is greater than what you'd expect. Readily available but not usually in widths required for blades, so gluing will most likely be require. Primarily useful as core and in rare cases second plys due to its fragility; deteriorates very quickly unless sealed. A thick balsa core tends to result in very springy, offensive blades. Due to its softness, it can allow the ball to sink in, resulting in high dwell time, which is good for loopers and choppers who want to manufacture a lot of spin. Also, due to its softness and non-linear effect, it is useful for deception and spin variation.
- Specific gravity = 0.14 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 0.3
- Crushing strength = 11 MPa
- Bending strength = 20 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 3710 MPa
- Janka = 90 lbf (400 N)
Basswood Binomial name: Tilia americana
Common Names: Basswood, American Basswood, Lime, Linden.

Binomial name: Tilia europaea
Commonly called lime trees in the British Isles, they are not related to the lime fruit.

The genus is generally called lime or linden in Britain and basswood, linden or lime in North America.

Also known as Bee-tree.

A harder wood, but still used in lower end all-round blades. Basswood has been a mainstay in racket making for over fifty years due to its high degree of control and economical price. It is favored by the close-to-the-table counterdriver as well as players looking to purchase their first professional racket.
Tilia americana
- Specific gravity = 0.42 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 33 MPa
- Bending strength = 60 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 10070 MPa
- Janka = 410 lbf (1824 N)
Beech Binomial name: Fagus grandifolia
Common name: American Beech

Binomial name: Fagus sylvatica
Common names: Common Beech, European Beech.
Fagus grandifolia
- Specific gravity = 0.72 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 51 MPa
- Bending strength = 103 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 11860 MPa
- Janka = 1300 lbf (5780 N)

Fagus sylvatica
- Specific gravity = 0.71 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 57 MPa
- Bending strength = 110 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 14310 MPa
- Janka = 1450 lbf (6450 N)
Black Locust Binomial name: Robinia pseudoacacia

Common Names: Robinia, False Acacia.

Robinie in german.
- Specific gravity = 0.77 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 9.5
- Crushing strength = 70 MPa
- Bending strength = 134 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 14140 MPa
- Janka = 1700 lbf (7560 N)
Candlenut Binomial name: Aleurites moluccanus

Common names: Kemiri, Candleberry, Lumbang.
- Crushing strength = 26 MPa
- Bending strength = 51 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 7330 MPa
- Janka = 340 lbf (1520 N)
Cypress Binominal name: Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

Common name: Port Orford Cedar

Botanically, the Cypress covers the genera cupressus and chamaecyparis which include many species.
The main ones at chamaecyparis:

Chamaecyparis obtusa: hinoki cypress

Chamaecyparis pisifera: Sawara cypress

Chamaecyparis nootkatenis: Nootka cypress

Chamaecyparis thyoides: white cypress

Good, cheap and readily available. Tends to work best with woods similar to itself in playing quality such as Ayous, Ash and varieties of Pine. Smells nice, though the mythical Kiso Hinoki variety is both rare and extremely valuable; the classic Asian attacking wood, it is favored by attackers for several decades because of its unique combination of speed and softness.
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
- Specific gravity = 0.39 to 0.47 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 42 MPa
- Bending strength = 85 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 11350 MPa
- Janka = 590 lbf (2625 N)
Ebony Ebony. - Specific gravity = 0.9 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 7.0
- Crushing strength = 58 MPa
- Bending strength = 130 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 15500 MPa
- Janka = 3080 lbf (13700 N)
Emien Binomial name: Alstonia congensis

Common names: Kaiwi (Sierra Leone), Awun (Nigeria), Ahun (Nigeria), Sindru (Ghana), Emien (Côte d`Ivoire), stoolwood (United Kingdom), Patternwood (United Kingdom), Akuka (Zaire), Ekuk (Gabon), Ekouk (Gabon), Ekuk (Equatorial Guinea), Ekouk (Equatorial Guinea), Tsongati (Congo), Ekuk (Cameroon), Ekouk (Cameroon), Mujwa (Uganda), Alstonia (Uganda), Wokuka, Vhu, Uguwa, Tsongutti, Tsongoti, Sundra, Stoolwood, Sindru, Senedur, Patternwood, Onguie, Omujwe, Nyemidua, Nyamelebaka, Nsiwa, N`songuti, Musoga, Mukoge, Mujwa, Mujua, Mogvga, Mogoliga, Lomba, Kuge, Kolowuli, Kigima, Kauwi, Kanja, Kaiwi, Emien, Emenle, Emee, Ekouk, Ebwu, Ebo, Duku, Dsen-nuru, Dnyame-dua, Cheese wood, Bokuka, Bokuk, Binu, Bantang foro, Bakunin, Awun, Alstonia, Ahun, Adawura, Adawra.

Alstonia congensis is reported to be abundant in the humid forests of Cameroon.
Widely distributed throughout West and Central Africa.
- Specific gravity = 0.36 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 0.7
- Crushing strength = 27 MPa
- Bending strength = 43 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 8090 MPa
Fir Called Tanne in Germany.

Binomial name: Abies alba
Common Name: European Silver Fir

Binomial name: Abies balsamea
Common Name: Balsam Fir

Binomial name: Abies magnifica
Common Name: California Red Fir

Binomial name: Pseudotsuga menziesii
Common Name: Douglas-Fir

Binomial name: Abies grandis
Common Name: Grand Fir

Binomial name: Abies procera
Common Name: Noble Fir

Binomial name: Abies amabilis
Common Name: Pacific Silver Fir

Binomial name: Abies lasiocarpa
Common Name: Subalpine Fir
Abies alba
- Specific gravity = 0.32 to 0.49 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 2.5
- Crushing strength = 41 MPa
- Bending strength = 66 to 80 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 8280 to 14300 MPa
- Janka = 320 lbf (1420 N)
Firmiana Firmiana is a genus of flowering plant in the family Malvaceae, formerly placed in the now defunct Sterculiaceae. It may sometimes be called the "parasol tree".  
Goiabao Binomial names: Chrysophyllum lucentifolium, Planchonella pachycarpa, Pouteria pachycarpa, Syzygiopsis pachycarpa.

Common names : Goyabao, Abiu Casca, Abiurana, Abiurana Goiaba, Abiurana Amarela.
- Specific gravity = 0.91 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 7.7
- Crushing strength = 79 MPa
- Bending strength = 145 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 20600 MPa
Hinoki Binomial name: Chamaecyparis obtusa

A prized Japanese wood that is soft and bouncy. 'Kiso' denotes the top Hinoki woods, available only from a single location in Japan. Considered the 'golden' wood of blades, Hinoki is a form of Cypress, and much of the Hinoki used just as outer plies is really Cypress. Hinoki has the property of being very soft with a nice soft touch in the short game, but very fast when hitting. The biggest drawbacks are probably weight and cost.
Kiso Hinoki is used for blade manufacturing only when having 300 years or more in age. It can be found in all types of veneers in table tennis blades.
- Specific gravity = 0.43 g/cm³
- Janka = 300 to 800 lbf (depending on the species of cypress)
Kiri Binomial name: Paulownia tomentosa

Also known as Paulownia, Royal Paulownia, Princess Tree, Empress Tree.
Kiri is the Japanese name for Paulownia.
A light weight, soft but torsionally stiff type of wood, mainly used as core veneer. (Almost every Butterfly table tennis blade that is made in Japan has a Kiri core.) More durable, heavier and harder than Balsa. (This is one of the main reasons why Butterfly blades are heavier than other manufacturer's blades.)
- Specific gravity = 0.26 to 0.35 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 21 MPa
- Bending strength = 38 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 4380 MPa
- Janka = 300 lbf (1335 N)
Koto Binomial name: Pterygota macrocarpa

Also known as Anatolia, Poroposo, Ofete, Kakende, Ikame, Ake, Awari, Kyere, Kefe.
Soft topspin wood, typically used in extremely thin outer plies to produce a faster and stiffer blade. Great wood for players who rely on both looping and countering techniques. Koto wood surface plies encourage crisp, fast blocks and hard hitting for sharper ball contact and faster rebound. Usually quartersawn for the pattern.
- Specific gravity = 0.59 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 2.5
- Crushing strength = 54 MPa
- Bending strength = 105 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 12080 MPa
- Janka = 940 lbf (4185 N)
Kukui Hawaiian wood.  
Larch Binomial name: Larix decidua
Common names: Meleze, European Larch, Common Larch, Alerce, Larice.

Binomial name: Larix occidentalis
Common name: Western Larch

Binomial name: Larix kaempferi
Common name: Japanese Larch, Karamatsu.
Larix decidua
- Specific gravity = 0.60 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 3.8
- Crushing strength = 52 MPa
- Bending strength = 90 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 11800 MPa
- Janka = 740 lbf (3290 N)

Larix occidentalis
- Specific gravity = 0.48 to 0.58 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 53 MPa
- Bending strength = 90 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 12900 MPa
- Janka = 8300 lbf (3690 N)

Larix kaempferi
- Specific gravity = 0.39 to 0.50 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 41 MPa
- Bending strength = 80 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 8760 MPa
- Janka = 600 lbf (2670 N)
Lati Binomial names: Amphimas ferrugineus, Amphimas pterocarpoides.

Common names: Edjin, Edzil, Muizi, Edzui, Yaya, Bokanga, White Wenge.
- Specific gravity = 0.82 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 5.8
- Crushing strength = 73 MPa
- Bending strength = 128 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 16830 MPa
Limba Binomial name: Terminalia superba

Also known as Korina, Ofram, Frake, Afara, Akom.

A West African wood, Limba is the classic European topspin wood (as compared to Hinoki, which is the classic Asian topspin wood). Heavy and fast, but not springy, Limba wood adds the soft feel and great control needed by today's modern topspin players. It is lighter and softer than Hinoki or Koto. Limba wood changes its color as the time passes so it is sometimes hard to spot a Limba wood by its color. Although Limba wood is soft, it can't give a soft feeling to the blade by itself, and when used with other veneers, a Limba blade can give a hard feeling. Limba has excellent acoustic properties and provides a good acoustic click sound when used with speed glue effect rubbers. Its vibrations or flex is liked by topspin players. The higher the thickness of the Limba ply, the greater the blade's hitting ability.
- Specific gravity = 0.45 to 0.65 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 2.4
- Crushing strength = 47 MPa
- Bending strength = 86 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 10490 MPa
- Janka = 670 lbf (2980 N)
Mahogany Binomial name: Swietenia mahagoni

- Specific gravity = 0.57 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 2.5
- Crushing strength = 46 MPa
- Bending strength = 77 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 11820 MPa
- Janka = 1070 lbf (4760 N)
Mansonia Binomial name: Mansonia altissima - Specific gravity = 0.66 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 3.8
- Crushing strength = 60 MPa
- Bending strength = 110 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 13620 MPa
- Janka = 1390 lbf (6160 N)
Meranti Binomial name: Shorea spp.

The five main groupings for Meranti (Lauan) are:
- Dark Red Meranti
- Light Red Meranti (Shorea leprosula)
- White Meranti (Shorea bracteolata)
- Yellow Meranti (Shorea maxima)
- Balau.

Sometimes called Philippine Mahogany.
Dark Red Meranti
- Specific gravity = 0.68 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 49 MPa
- Bending strength = 88 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 12020 MPa
- Janka = 800 lbf (3560 N)

Light Red Meranti
- Specific gravity = 0.48 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 42 MPa
- Bending strength = 77 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 11390 MPa
- Janka = 550 lbf (2450 N)

White Meranti
- Specific gravity = 0.59 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 47 MPa
- Bending strength = 80 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 10240 MPa
- Janka = 1050 lbf (4675 N)

Yellow Meranti
- Specific gravity = 0.56 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 2.4
- Crushing strength = 44 MPa
- Bending strength = 81 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 10680 MPa
- Janka = 700 lbf (3118 N)

- Specific gravity = 0.85 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 71 MPa
- Bending strength = 122 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 16950 MPa
- Janka = 1600 lbf (7120 N)
Okoume Binomial name: Aucoumea klaineana

(Okoume - Angouma - Gabon).
- Specific gravity = 0.35 to 0.55 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 1.6
- Crushing strength = 36 MPa
- Bending strength = 75 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 9690 MPa
- Janka = 400 lbf (1780 N)
Oregon Maybe Port Orford cypress. See Cypress.

But there is other woods called Oregon :
- Oregon Ash (Fraxinus latifolia). See Ash.
- Oregon White Oak (Quercus garryana).
- Oregon Pine or Douglas-Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). See Fir.
Quercus garryana
- Specific gravity = 0.81 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 51 MPa
- Bending strength = 70 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 7510 MPa
- Janka = 1640 lbf (7295 N)
Ovengkole Binomial name : Guibourtia ehie

Common names : Mbagna (Cameroon), Amazakoué (Ivory Coast), Mozambique (USA), Ovengkol (France), Ovangkol (Gabon), Anokye (Ghana).
- Specific gravity = 0.82 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 7.5
- Crushing strength = 69 MPa
- Bending strength = 127 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 21470 MPa
Padauk Binomial name: Pterocarpus soyauxii

Common Names: African Padauk, Vermillion.

The wood is hard and elastic, partly used as surface veneer (dark red colour).
- Specific gravity = 0.75 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 8.3
- Crushing strength = 56 MPa
- Bending strength = 116 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 11720 MPa
- Janka = 1970 lbf (8760 N)
Pine Binomial name: Pinus clausa
Common names: Sand Pine, Florida Spruce Pine, Scrub Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus radiata
Common names: Radiata Pine, Monterey Pine, Insignis Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus glabra
Common name: Spruce Pine

Binomial name: Pinus nigra
Common names: Austrian Pine or Black Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus caribaea
Common name: Caribbean Pine

Binomial name: Pinus strobus
Common names: Eastern White Pine, Northern White Pine, White Pine, Weymouth Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus banksiana
Common names: Jack Pine, Grey Pine or Scrub Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus jeffreyi
Common name: Jeffrey Pine

Binomial name: Pinus kesiya
Common names: Khasi Pine, Benguet Pine or Three-needled Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus flexilis
Common name: Limber Pine

Binomial name: Pinus taeda
Common name: Loblolly Pine

Binomial name: Pinus contorta
Common names: Lodgepole Pine, Shore Pine, Twisted Pine, Contorta Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus palustris
Common name: Longleaf Pine

Binomial name: Pinus pinaster
Common name: Maritime Pine or Cluster Pine

Binomial name: Pinus oocarpa
Common names: Ocote, Ocote Chino, Pino Amarillo, Pino Avellano, Mexican Yellow Pine, Egg-cone Pine, Hazelnut Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus patula
Common names: Patula Pine, Spreading-leaved Pine, Mexican Weeping Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus edulis
Common names: Colorado Pinyon, Two-needle Piñon, Pinyon Pine, Piñon.

Binomial name: Pinus rigida
Common name: Pitch Pine

Binomial name: Pinus serotina
Common names: Pond Pine, Black Bark Pine, Bay Pine, Marsh Pine, Pocosin Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus ponderosa
Common names: Ponderosa Pine, Bull Pine, Blackjack Pine, Western Yellow-pine, Filipinus Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus resinosa
Common names: Red Pine, Norway Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus sylvestris
Common names: Scots Pine, Scotch Pine, Baltic Pine, European Red Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus echinata
Common name: Shortleaf Pine

Binomial name: Pinus elliottii
Common name: Slash Pine

Binomial name: Pinus lambertiana
Common names: Sugar Pine, Sugar Cone Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus merkusii
Common names: Sumatran Pine, Merkus Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus pungens
Common names: Table Mountain Pine, Hickory Pine, Prickly Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus monticola
Common names: Western White Pine, Silver Pine, California Mountain Pine.

Binomial name: Pinus virginiana
Common names: Virginia Pine, Scrub Pine, Jersey Pine, Possum Pine.
Pinus clausa
- Specific gravity = 0.55 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 48 MPa
- Bending strength = 80 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 9720 MPa
- Janka = 730 lbf (3250 N)

Pinus radiata
- Specific gravity = 0.51 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 42 MPa
- Bending strength = 79 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 10060 MPa
- Janka = 710 lbf (3160 N)

Pinus glabra
- Specific gravity = 0.42 to 0.52 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 39 MPa
- Bending strength = 71 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 9690 MPa
- Janka = 700 lbf (3110 N)
Planchonello Planchonello outer layers produce great speed. This wood is most often found in blades designed for the power attacker.  
Poplar Binomial name: Populus p.p.
Common names: Poplar (United Kingdom), Pappel (Germany), Alamo (Spain), Cottonwood (United Sates), Pioppo (Italy).

Binomial name: Populus alba
Common names: White Poplar, Silver Poplar.

Binomial name: Populus tremula
Common names: European Aspen, Common Aspen.

Binomial name: Populus nigra
Common names: Black Poplar, Lombardy Poplar, Mappa burl.

Binomial name: Populus balsamifera
Common name: Balsam Poplar

Binomial name: Populus trichocarpa
Common name: Black Cottonwood

Binomial name: Populus grandidentata
Common name: Bigtooth Aspen

Binomial name: Populus tremuloides
Common name: Quaking Aspen

Binomial name: Populus deltoides
Common name: Eastern Cottonwood

Not to be confused with Liriodendron tulipifera (Tulip Poplar, Tulip tree, Yellow Poplar).

Readily available, capable of being used as a core wood and as an outer ply, providing skill in matching thicknesses up.
Populus p.p.
- Specific gravity = 0.45 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 1.3
- Crushing strength = 35 MPa
- Bending strength = 62 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 9800 MPa
- Janka = 540 lbf (2400 N)
Red Cedar Binomial name: Thuya Plicata

The Red Cedar is a native of Canada.
- Specific gravity = 0.38 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 1.1
Rosewood Binomial names: Dalbergia maritima, Dalbergia louvelii.
- Specific gravity = 0.93 g/cm³
- Janka = 2600 lbf (11570 N)
Samba (Ayous) See Ayous.  
Santos Mahogany Binomial name: Myroxylon balsamum

Despite its name, Santos Mahogany is not really related to true Mahogany (Swietenia genus), nor is it even in the Meliaceae family, as is the case with African Mahogany (Khaya genus) and Spanish Cedar (Cedrela odorata). Santos Mahogany can have a Mahogany-like appearance, though it is typically much denser, harder, and stronger than true Mahogany—and also much more difficult to work.
- Specific gravity = 0.91 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 81 MPa
- Bending strength = 149 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 16410 MPa
- Janka = 2400 lbf (10680 N)
Sapele Binomial name: Entandrophragma cylindricum

Common Names: Sapelli, Sapali.
- Specific gravity = 0.67 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 4.2
- Crushing strength = 60 MPa
- Bending strength = 110 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 13960 MPa
- Janka = 1410 lbf (6280 N)
Spruce Binomial name: Picea abies
Common names: Norway Spruce, European Spruce, German Spruce.

Binomial name: Picea sitchensis
Common name: Sitka Spruce

Binomial name: Picea breweriana
Common name: Brewer Spruce

Binomial name: Picea mariana
Common name: Black Spruce

Binomial name: Picea engelmannii
Common name: Engelmann Spruce

Binomial name: Picea rubens
Common name: Red Spruce, Adirondack Spruce.

Binomial name: Picea glauca
Common name: White Spruce

Common Spruce (Picea abies) comes from cold areas of Europe. Outside of its natural growing area (temperate areas), its growth is quicker when planted. In France, Common Spruce is often falsely called "Sapin" (Abies alba) and "Sapin blanc du Nord" is used to speak of Common Spruce coming from Scandinavia or from Eastern Europe.

Called Fichte in Germany.
Used to create better speed, Spruce plies result in big sound and good feeling when you hit the ball, but when this ply comes too much close to the rubber, the sound and feeling are too powerful, and the ball will not be very spinny, so it is better used beneath a surface ply.
Picea abies
- Specific gravity = 0.32 to 0.41 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 35 MPa
- Bending strength = 63 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 9700 MPa
- Janka = 380 lbf (1680 N)

Picea sitchensis
- Specific gravity = 0.36 to 0.42 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 2.2
- Crushing strength = 38 MPa
- Bending strength = 70 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 11030 MPa
- Janka = 510 lbf (2270 N)
Stone Pine Binomial name: Pinus pinea

Common names: Italian stone pine, Mediterranean stone pine, umbrella pine and parasol pine.
Sycamore Binomial name: Acer pseudoplatanus

Common names: Bergahorn, Erable Blanc, Acero Bianco, Great Maple, Sycomore, Arce Blanco, Sicomoro, Harewood.
- Specific gravity = 0.64 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 4.7
- Crushing strength = 55 MPa
- Bending strength = 100 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 13000 MPa
Tung Binomial name: Vernicia fordii

Common name: Tung Tree

Used as inner plies.
The wood of the tree is lightweight and strong, and is sometimes used as a substitute for balsa, kiri or basswood.
Walnut Binomial name: Juglans regia
Common Names: English Walnut, Circassian Walnut, European Walnut, French Walnut, Common Walnut.

Binomial name: Lovoa trichilioides
Common Name: African Walnut

Binomial name: Juglans spp. (Juglans australis, J. neotropica, J. olanchana, etc.)
Common Names: Peruvian Walnut, Tropical Walnut, Nogal.

Binomial name: Juglans nigra
Common Name: Black Walnut

Dark coloured wood that is fast, hard and expensive. Outer ply material, pairs up well with a soft core.
Juglans regia
- Specific gravity = 0.64 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 3.2
- Crushing strength = 50 MPa
- Bending strength = 111 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 10810 MPa
- Janka = 1220 lbf (5430 N)

Lovoa trichilioides
- Specific gravity = 0.54 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 46 MPa
- Bending strength = 84 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 9240 MPa
- Janka = 940 lbf (4180 N)

Juglans spp.
- Specific gravity = 0.6 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 45 MPa
- Bending strength = 77 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 7810 MPa
- Janka = 960 lbf (4270 N)

Juglans nigra
- Specific gravity = 0.61 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 52 MPa
- Bending strength = 101 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 11590 MPa
- Janka = 1010 lbf (4490 N)
Wenge Binomial name: Millettia laurentii - Specific gravity = 0.87 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 9.1
- Crushing strength = 85 MPa
- Bending strength = 144 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 21050 MPa
- Janka = 1630
White Ash Binomial name: Fraxinus americana

White Ash, American White Ash.
- Specific gravity = 0.87 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 9.1
- Crushing strength = 81 MPa
- Bending strength = 152 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 17590 MPa
- Janka = 1930 lbf (8590 N)
White Oak Binomial name: Quercus alba - Specific gravity = 0.6 to 0.75 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 51 MPa
- Bending strength = 102 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 12150 MPa
- Janka = 1350 lbf (5590 N)
Willow Binomial name: Salix nigra
Common Name: Black Willow.

Binomial name: Salix fragilis
Common Names: Crack Willow, Brittle Willow.

Binomial name: Salix alba
Common Name: White Willow.

Also known as Yanagi.
A heavy wood used most often in choppers' blades, as an outer layer, due to its deadening effect, making hard, fast loops easier to control.
Salix nigra
- Specific gravity = 0.42 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 28 MPa
- Bending strength = 54 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 6970 MPa
- Janka = 430 lbf (1920 N)

Salix fragilis
- Specific gravity = 0.43 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 24 MPa
- Bending strength = 65 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 7950 MPa
- Janka = 640 lbf (2850 N)

Salix alba
- Specific gravity = 0.4 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 27 MPa
- Bending strength = 56 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 7760 MPa
- Janka = 570 lbf (2540 N)
Yellow Aningre Yellow Aningre is the ultimate control wood. Providing a soft feel on contact, this wood is favored by many all-round styles of players. It is mid-hard, solid, and non-elastic. Being waterproof, it is mostly used as surface veneer. Grubba Pro blades use Yellow Aningre wood for the outer and secondary plies. - Specific gravity = 0.54 to 0.57 g/cm³
- Monnin Hardness = 2.5
Yellow Poplar Binomial name: Liriodendron tulipifera

Common name: Tulip Poplar
- Specific gravity = 0.40 to 0.46 g/cm³
- Crushing strength = 38 MPa
- Bending strength = 70 MPa
- Modulus of elasticity = 10900 MPa
- Janka = 540 lbf (2400 N)

Sources :
Tropix cirad
The Wood Database